Last Saturday saw us make our debut performance in a special Halloween show.
The whole night was fantastic, and we'd like to say a big thanks to The Judge & Jury, Stiff in the Morning and all who came and supported us.
We had some great feedback and we were very glad to hear how much everyone enjoyed the show.

We're delighted to announce that The Judge & Jury offered us a Residency gig, of course we accepted, so keep in touch to find out dates for our shows at The Judge, we'll be creating new shows for each gig.

In addition to that news, we received some more fantastic news, We've been booked for a show in February 2012, which will see us venturing to Hertfordshire. More detail to follow.

Once again thanks to everyone who supported us in our first gig, we hope you will continue to do so with our future shows, We're working on some really great stuff for your entertainment!

Check back soon!