We have updated the website with new pictures from our first studio photo shoot find them in the photo gallery.
We have also updated out gallery with new pictures from our last gig, so check those out too.

We've updated our links page - so please take a look at the people we're associated with.

Our next gig is Saturday May 5th - Pole Factor - don't forget check out their website www.pole-factor.com for tickets.

We will also be performing (family friendly performances) atSpecial Care Baby Unit - Fun day/car boot sale (St.Clements Hospital, Ipswich) Sunday August 5th.
We hope that you will be able to help support this cause and if you can't make the event you will help to share the word.

This past weekend saw us make a surprise appearance for a birthday party and have our first studio photoshoot. The above photo is a taste of the photos that will be coming soon.
If your looking to have a studio photoshoot for professional, fun or family photos check out http://www.calicophotographers.com/

Don't forget that May 5th we will be performing for the Pole Factor competition finals at Easterns Lounge in Sudbury, go to www.pole-factor.com or Facebook to get your tickets to see amazingly talent pole dancers and be entertained with Burlesque (us) and bands.
This weekend we are making a surprise appearance at an event, we're very excited, and trying not to give anything away!!

We also have a studio photoshoot this sunday, which we're super excited about, we're gonna get some fabulous photos for your viewing pleasure.

We are also super busy rehearsing for our next gig, which is our guest appearance at The Pole Factor in Sudbury. We will be helping to open the night and performing a couple routines whilst the results of the pole competition are tallied! Visit www.pole-factor.com to get your tickets to come and see us and some very talented pole dancers!

Keep an eye out on our website for a little update of pictures and some videos ;-) xx
We've added some pictures from our gig at Vallies Lounge Colchester. It was a great night, we had fabulous feedback, the crowd was lovely and the staff, as ever, were amazing. We can't wait for our next show, once we've confirmed a date we'll let you know, but bare in mind summertime!! ;-)
We will have more pictures coming soon, thanks to some wonderful photographers, and a compilation of videos from the night for your viewing pleasure.

We're now fully focused on our next show - Pole Factor Final, for Little Sapphires Pole Dance School, May 5th 2012, Easterns Lounge, Sudbury. To find out more please visit their website http://www.pole-factor.com/
Tickets are available on their website, we have something a little special planned for opening the night ;-)

Thank you to everyone who continues to support us, we appreciate it so much and hope we will continue to put a smile on your faces! If you wanna get in touch with us, join our facebook page or send us a message on here via the contact us page. We love hearing from you.

See you all at a show soon. xx