We've added some pictures from our gig at Vallies Lounge Colchester. It was a great night, we had fabulous feedback, the crowd was lovely and the staff, as ever, were amazing. We can't wait for our next show, once we've confirmed a date we'll let you know, but bare in mind summertime!! ;-)
We will have more pictures coming soon, thanks to some wonderful photographers, and a compilation of videos from the night for your viewing pleasure.

We're now fully focused on our next show - Pole Factor Final, for Little Sapphires Pole Dance School, May 5th 2012, Easterns Lounge, Sudbury. To find out more please visit their website http://www.pole-factor.com/
Tickets are available on their website, we have something a little special planned for opening the night ;-)

Thank you to everyone who continues to support us, we appreciate it so much and hope we will continue to put a smile on your faces! If you wanna get in touch with us, join our facebook page or send us a message on here via the contact us page. We love hearing from you.

See you all at a show soon. xx

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